As Mike 72-year-old Brady rose from fog the unawareness January. 4, it alone from reason outside of one sauna in one the remove-cut off of Alaska with the thermometer war, which floats dangerously close 30 degrees below zero.
It could not move Die next assistance war approximately 50 miles to the north and to out of reach in the located community from McCarthy. Finally it to come by the latest in gee whiz the technology to be saved — a personal satellite-communicating, that was given to it through seins, concerned nut/mother 98-year-old. But those in the first moments there on the close Ultima Thule basic hut in the heart of the Wrangell STR. Elias National Park, was surprised it, if he would live. An Alaskan 50-year, a man, who had before, wintered in one cabin along, West fork triangle removing river in the condition Interior frozen, Brady knows the deadly nature under zero of cold weather. Even as it to more gather its directions fought, stated it that, if it remained from the reason die cold weather would begin the life to pull out from body its. In the 10 minutes, he was weakened by hypothermia. In the hours she became kill he. Everything because of a stupid slip. “I fell down away of die steps,” it said. It doesn’t white, if this an accident were or if it became, sufficient gas of going through the exhaust fan close of a convenient by inhalierte Carbon monoxide to become partly closed generator. It war, it said and felt dizzy before slip. Then war it on its back from the reason and shaking stars out its eyes. “as I woke up, war I in a small lowest point,” Brady said. “I could not move at all.” Seins of back Hurt. It thought that it could have seriously hurt it in the case. But really not more matter. He knew to rise and receive that, if he did not force himself in order in cabin, it more goner war. He rose. It stolperte inward. Fortunately it said, as it went descent to sauna of close convenient cabin to begin to the small honda generator to charge batteries for satellite telephones it the thoughts had to get to a tub wood the shred die with Dieselfuel is ear-basic. Now it filled those shreds in the Firebox wood stove. Its, he worked on fingers said, well enough not to hold somehow the that resembling in its pocket, but he managed, in order to receive a fist around a whole handful. It struck it and threw the fire into stove. the Die wood shred ignited. It threw in something wood on top of them. POINT SENDS ASSISTANCE fire knisterte to the life. “if I not this going fire to have would know,” Brady said, “, that would have been it.” While the fire burned, it knew that it would live, but it in the important pain remained. It pulled itself above on one Bank in sauna and stood still there for hour, it said. Back seins believed no more better. If everything felt, it worse. It decided that the intelligent Kw_thing would be to to do to call the assistance. It stolperte out sauna, showed its point satellite courier to the southern horizon, and operated die characterized Taste “911.” Height over planet, a satellite main header signal up, accomplishes the urgency call center international with the government inspection departments co-ordinators for position Bradys, and again put it to the GEOS in Houston, Texas. Driving service leaders communicated there Alaska National Guard in the Anchorage. Within the 10 minutes, war rescue a helicopter and on its way absent-minded. Torin of raw, a wortfuehrer for manufacturers forwards the point, said the die following rescue war first documents die approved for the new, Kw_pocketgroesse, device $200, two months war. It warns company that point did not examine work everywhere in Alaska — die device necessities LINE OF sightanschluss to that satellites in orbit over intermediary widths of the mass — it inestimably for this an attendant at a hut in largest Alaska and discussable in the wildest national park could. not only Brady use it too call 911, it using it regularly, it said, in order to send an announcement to its more brother, Terry, back in the Anchorage Saying, which it OKAY war. Point knows a pre-programmed “OKAY” announcement or personal, “assistance non-911″ announcement sends to the friends, relatives or other Mike said its more brother and its nut/mother “wished me to turn it twice at one week, on one Thursday and on one Sunday, inside examines.” Terry had regular OKAYANZEIGEN of Mike on its computer since the latter back agreed upon into die hut as an attendant in November keeps Mike, own Remoteproperty along large river close McGrath developed the its, said took it job the attendant there, because hut more owner and pilot Paul Klaus a large to it deal offered. Klaus flies a large load sluggish turbo Otterflugzeug and offers, in order to drag freight of the Mikes for the large river into exchange for seins, which die hut for more winter supervises. MIRACLE IN ONE HOUR Mike thought that it became spend, which for it pretty normal all alone is more winter in Bush. It never thought that it would have necessity, die panic key on a new, high tech satellite-communicating, but it for operating said, it pretty the wondrous war, which happened, as it. Within one approximately hour it agreed upon said, a helicopter of coolies Air National Guard Base onto the starting strip with Ultima Thule to pick it above. “I believed pretty good by this point,” it said. to go “ichWAR in the situation. I believed guilty few.” Pararescuemen on the helicopter examined it out, concluded its hypothermia wasn’t, that is life-threatening, then above loaded it for a flight back for planning Alaska medical center in the Anchorage. Doctors thought there that it also OKAY does not out war, but Mike said, when it rose “on the next day I the bed receive could.” The following X-ray uncovered broken eddies in its back, but doctors cannot do tell exactly, when he broke it, that, Mike at its brothers home in Anchorage-last week recovered. “I work still away from some problems,” it said, but lucky, to be alive. And powerfully impresses with point. “he is,” he said pretty tidy a little deal.
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