, after the overheating of of problems, Superaguri Honda arrived its new year away at the best of beginnings did not prevent die crew from the examination at Tuesday and on Wednesday. Yesterday Anthony Davidson spent one frustrating day action from the Nebenerwerben again watching out.
Die crew had too receive parts they hoped, which was benoetigt, around die overheat-spent to couriers, the die opening day of their action had damaged. But a temporally planned plane, that the due war to arrive to with Gibraltar in noon ran into technical problems and into die components had to the M�laga instead to be flown.
Crew more member tried too drive die parts to the Jerez track to find to only that die motorway of M�laga closed due to the road work war - the terminated test meaning, before die essential parts arrived.
In the total quantity managed die crew 10 time of laps on Monday with James Rossiter behind wheel the SA07B.
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